Articles | Volume 20, issue 16
Research article
21 Aug 2020
Research article |  | 21 Aug 2020

Quantifying the nitrogen isotope effects during photochemical equilibrium between NO and NO2: implications for δ15N in tropospheric reactive nitrogen

Jianghanyang Li, Xuan Zhang, John Orlando, Geoffrey Tyndall, and Greg Michalski


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Short summary
Nitrogen isotopic compositions of atmospheric reactive nitrogen are widely used to infer their sources. However, the reactions between NO and NO2 strongly impact their isotopes, which was not well understood. We conducted a series of experiments in an atmospheric simulation chamber to determine the isotopic effects of (1) direct isotopic exchange between NO and NO2 and (2) the isotopic fractionations during NOx photochemistry, then developed an equation to quantify the overall isotopic effect.
Final-revised paper