Articles | Volume 20, issue 16
Research article
17 Aug 2020
Research article |  | 17 Aug 2020

A Raman lidar tropospheric water vapour climatology and height-resolved trend analysis over Payerne, Switzerland

Shannon Hicks-Jalali, Robert J. Sica, Giovanni Martucci, Eliane Maillard Barras, Jordan Voirin, and Alexander Haefele


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Short summary
We have calculated an 11.5-year water vapour climatology using the Raman Lidar for Meteorological Observations (RALMO), located in Payerne, Switzerland. The climatology shows that the highest water vapour concentrations are in the summer months and the lowest in the winter months. We present for the first time height-resolved water vapour trends, which show that water vapour increases specific humidity by between 5 % and 15 % per decade depending on the altitude.
Final-revised paper