Articles | Volume 20, issue 13
Research article
08 Jul 2020
Research article |  | 08 Jul 2020

An investigation on hygroscopic properties of 15 black carbon (BC)-containing particles from different carbon sources: roles of organic and inorganic components

Minli Wang, Yiqun Chen, Heyun Fu, Xiaolei Qu, Bengang Li, Shu Tao, and Dongqiang Zhu


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Short summary
The mechanism and factors controlling the hygroscopicity of black-carbon-containing particles (BCPs) from different carbon sources are not well understood. We thoroughly characterized the chemical and compositional properties of 15 samples of BCPs from different sources (wood, herb, and soot) and further investigated their hygroscopicity. Depending on the carbon source, organic carbon and dissolved mineral contents were key determinants of the equilibrium and kinetics of water uptake by BCPs.
Final-revised paper