Articles | Volume 20, issue 12
Research article
01 Jul 2020
Research article |  | 01 Jul 2020

Propagation of gravity waves and its effects on pseudomomentum flux in a sudden stratospheric warming event

In-Sun Song, Changsup Lee, Hye-Yeong Chun, Jeong-Han Kim, Geonhwa Jee, Byeong-Gwon Song, and Julio T. Bacmeister


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Short summary
A modeling study on the effects of propagation of atmospheric gravity waves is carried out for the 2009 sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) event. It is found that gravity-wave-induced momentum fluxes are significantly affected by horizontal refraction and the Earth's curvature effects. Gravity wave convergence and effects of ray geometry also have some impact. In the evolution of the SSW, significantly enhanced momentum fluxes are likely to change nonlocally nearby large-scale vortex structures.
Final-revised paper