Articles | Volume 20, issue 10
Research article
26 May 2020
Research article |  | 26 May 2020

Deposition of brown carbon onto snow: changes in snow optical and radiative properties

Nicholas D. Beres, Deep Sengupta, Vera Samburova, Andrey Y. Khlystov, and Hans Moosmüller


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Short summary
Brown carbon (BrC) aerosol can be produced by the smoldering combustion of peat, a wildland fuel common at high latitude, often adjacent to the cryosphere. However, little is known about how BrC deposition onto snow changes snow optical and radiative properties. Here, we artificially deposited BrC onto natural snow surfaces, monitored changes of the spectral surface albedo, characterized optical properties of deposited aerosol, and compared to modeled values of albedo and radiative forcing.
Final-revised paper