Articles | Volume 20, issue 6
Research article
31 Mar 2020
Research article |  | 31 Mar 2020

Effect of inorganic-to-organic mass ratio on the heterogeneous OH reaction rates of erythritol: implications for atmospheric chemical stability of 2-methyltetrols

Rongshuang Xu, Hoi Ki Lam, Kevin R. Wilson, James F. Davies, Mijung Song, Wentao Li, Ying-Lung Steve Tse, and Man Nin Chan


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Short summary
Atmospheric particles, a complex mixture of inorganic salts, organic compounds and water, can continually undergo heterogeneous oxidation initiated by gas-phase oxidants at the particle surface. We found that ammonium sulfate can decelerate the rate of heterogeneous OH reaction with 2-methyltetrols when the inorganic-to-organic mass ratio increases. These results would suggest 2-methyltetrols are likely chemically stable against heterogeneous OH oxidation in the atmosphere.
Final-revised paper