Articles | Volume 20, issue 20
Research article
26 Oct 2020
Research article |  | 26 Oct 2020

Estimation of reactive inorganic iodine fluxes in the Indian and Southern Ocean marine boundary layer

Swaleha Inamdar, Liselotte Tinel, Rosie Chance, Lucy J. Carpenter, Prabhakaran Sabu, Racheal Chacko, Sarat C. Tripathy, Anvita U. Kerkar, Alok K. Sinha, Parli Venkateswaran Bhaskar, Amit Sarkar, Rajdeep Roy, Tomás Sherwen, Carlos Cuevas, Alfonso Saiz-Lopez, Kirpa Ram, and Anoop S. Mahajan

Data sets

Dataset of Estimation of reactive inorganic iodine fluxes in the Indian and Southern Ocean marine boundary layer Swaleha Inamdar, Liselotte Tinel, Rosie Chance, Lucy Carpenter, Prabhakran Sabu, Racheal Chacko, Sarat Tripathy, Anvita U. Kerkar, Alok Sinha, Parli Bhaskar, Amit Sarkar, Rajdeep Roy, Tomás Sherwen, Carlos A. Cuevas, Alfonso Saiz-Lopez, Kirpa Ram, and Anoop Mahajan

Short summary
Iodine chemistry is generating a lot of interest because of its impacts on the oxidising capacity of the marine boundary and depletion of ozone. However, one of the challenges has been predicting the right levels of iodine in the models, which depend on parameterisations for emissions from the sea surface. This paper discusses the different parameterisations available and compares them with observations, showing that our current knowledge is still insufficient, especially on a regional scale.
Final-revised paper