Articles | Volume 19, issue 8
Research article
24 Apr 2019
Research article |  | 24 Apr 2019

Mixed-phase orographic cloud microphysics during StormVEx and IFRACS

Douglas H. Lowenthal, A. Gannet Hallar, Robert O. David, Ian B. McCubbin, Randolph D. Borys, and Gerald G. Mace

Data sets

Mixed-phase orographic cloud microphysics during StormVEx and IFRACS Douglas H. Lowenthal, A. Gannet Hallar, Robert O. David, Ian B. McCubbin, Randolph D. Borys, and Gerald G. Mace

Short summary
Snow and liquid cloud particles were measured during the StormVEx and IFRACS programs at Storm Peak Lab to better understand snow formation in wintertime mountain clouds. We found significant interactions between the ice and liquid phases of the cloud. A relationship between large droplet and small ice crystal concentrations suggested snow formation by droplet freezing. Blowing snow can bias surface measurements, but its effect was ambiguous, calling for further work on this issue.
Final-revised paper