Articles | Volume 19, issue 23
Research article
 | Highlight paper
13 Dec 2019
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 13 Dec 2019

Ice-nucleating particle versus ice crystal number concentrationin altocumulus and cirrus layers embedded in Saharan dust:a closure study

Albert Ansmann, Rodanthi-Elisavet Mamouri, Johannes Bühl, Patric Seifert, Ronny Engelmann, Julian Hofer, Argyro Nisantzi, James D. Atkinson, Zamin A. Kanji, Berko Sierau, Mihalis Vrekoussis, and Jean Sciare


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Short summary
For the first time, a closure study of the relationship between the ice-nucleating particle concentration (INPC) and ice crystal number concentration (ICNC) in altocumulus and cirrus layers, solely based on ground-based active remote sensing, is presented. The closure studies were conducted in Cyprus. A focus was on altocumulus and cirrus layers which developed in pronounced Saharan dust layers. The closure studies show that heterogeneous ice nucleation can play a dominant role in ice formation.
Final-revised paper