Articles | Volume 19, issue 23
Research article
11 Dec 2019
Research article |  | 11 Dec 2019

Evaluation of hygroscopic cloud seeding in liquid-water clouds: a feasibility study

Fei Wang, Zhanqing Li, Qi Jiang, Gaili Wang, Shuo Jia, Jing Duan, and Yuquan Zhou

Data sets

Hourly rainfall, radar and radiosonde data China Meteorological Data Service Center

Short summary
Though many laboratory, modeling, and field experimental studies on cloud seeding have been conducted for more than a half-century, assessing the effectiveness of cloud seeding is still very challenging due to the notorious difficulties in gaining convincing scientific evidences. The goals of this study are to evaluate any consequence of aircraft hygroscopic seeding and to develop a feasible method for analyzing the cloud seeding effect for stratocumulus clouds.
Final-revised paper