Articles | Volume 19, issue 16
Research article
27 Aug 2019
Research article |  | 27 Aug 2019

Simulated coordinated impacts of the previous autumn North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and winter El Niño on winter aerosol concentrations over eastern China

Juan Feng, Jianping Li, Hong Liao, and Jianlei Zhu

Data sets

Simulated coordinated impacts of the previous autumn NAO and winter El Niño on the winter aerosol concentrations over eastern China J. Feng, J. Li, H. Liao, and J. Zhu

Model code and software

Simulated coordinated impacts of the previous autumn NAO and winter El Niño on the winter aerosol concentrations over eastern China J. Feng, J. Li, H. Liao, and J. Zhu

Short summary
Background climate can affect the aerosol concentration (AC). It is found that when negative NAO overlaps El Niño, the anomalous circulations are not favorable for the transportation of aerosol, resulting in enhanced AC over eastern China. By contrast, a sole negative NAO event is linked with increased AC over central China. The results suggest that both the extratropical and tropical climate systems play an important role in impacting the AC over China.
Final-revised paper