Articles | Volume 19, issue 16
Research article
23 Aug 2019
Research article |  | 23 Aug 2019

Kinetics of the OH + NO2 reaction: rate coefficients (217–333 K, 16–1200 mbar) and fall-off parameters for N2 and O2 bath gases

Damien Amedro, Arne J. C. Bunkan, Matias Berasategui, and John N. Crowley


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Short summary
The reaction between the OH radical and nitrogen dioxide plays a critical role in controlling abundances of HOx and NOx from the boundary layer to the stratosphere. Uncertainties associated with the rate coefficient for this reaction lead to uncertainty in model predictions of the oxidizing capacity of the atmosphere and photochemical ozone production. We present accurate measurements of the rate coefficient over a range of temperatures and pressures.
Final-revised paper