Articles | Volume 19, issue 16
Research article
19 Aug 2019
Research article |  | 19 Aug 2019

Characteristics and sources of aerosol aminiums over the eastern coast of China: insights from the integrated observations in a coastal city, adjacent island and surrounding marginal seas

Shengqian Zhou, Haowen Li, Tianjiao Yang, Ying Chen, Congrui Deng, Yahui Gao, Changping Chen, and Jian Xu


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Short summary
An integrated observation on aerosol aminiums over a coastal city in eastern China, a nearby island and the surrounding marginal seas was conducted. Aminium concentrations exhibited significant spatiotemporal variation, which is dependent on their sources and environmental factors, including boundary layer height, temperature, atmospheric oxidizing capacity and relative humidity. The contributions of terrestrial and marine sources to aminiums over coastal areas were quantitatively calculated.
Final-revised paper