Articles | Volume 18, issue 13
Research article
 | Highlight paper
12 Jul 2018
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 12 Jul 2018

Statistical analysis of contrail to cirrus evolution during the Contrail and Cirrus Experiment (CONCERT)

Aurélien Chauvigné, Olivier Jourdan, Alfons Schwarzenboeck, Christophe Gourbeyre, Jean François Gayet, Christiane Voigt, Hans Schlager, Stefan Kaufmann, Stephan Borrmann, Sergej Molleker, Andreas Minikin, Tina Jurkat, and Ulrich Schumann


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Short summary
This paper demonstrates a new form of statistical analysis of contrail to cirrus evolution. The authors show well-separated analyses of the different stages of the contrail's evolution, which allows us to study their optical, microphysical, and chemical properties. These results could be used to develop representative parameterizations of the scattering and geometrical properties of the ice crystals’ shapes and sizes, observed in the visible wavelength range.
Final-revised paper