Articles | Volume 18, issue 9
Research article
17 May 2018
Research article |  | 17 May 2018

High time-resolved radon progeny measurements in the Arctic region (Svalbard islands, Norway): results and potentialities

Roberto Salzano, Antonello Pasini, Antonietta Ianniello, Mauro Mazzola, Rita Traversi, and Roberto Udisti


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Short summary
The radon progeny can describe the circulation of air masses in the Arctic region, evidencing a seasonality and stability dynamics that can influence the persistence of pollutants in the lower layer of the atmosphere. This paper, for the first time, considered high-time resolved radon-progeny measurements in the Arctic region. These data were used for tracing air masses in terms of age, origin, permafrost dynamics, seasonality and local effects.
Final-revised paper