Articles | Volume 18, issue 7
Research article
17 Apr 2018
Research article |  | 17 Apr 2018

First simultaneous measurements of peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) and ozone at Nam Co in the central Tibetan Plateau: impacts from the PBL evolution and transport processes

Xiaobin Xu, Hualong Zhang, Weili Lin, Ying Wang, Wanyun Xu, and Shihui Jia


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Short summary
We present the first simultaneous PAN and O3 measurements from the central Tibetan Plateau. Both gases showed unique diurnal cycles with steep rises in the early morning and broader daytime platforms, which is attributed to the PBL evolution. Some high PAN and O3 episodes were observed and caused either by long-range transport of pollutants from south Asia or by downward transport of air masses from the upper troposphere, indicating the dynamic impacts on tropospheric chemistry over the Tibet.
Final-revised paper