Articles | Volume 18, issue 7
Research article
10 Apr 2018
Research article |  | 10 Apr 2018

Clear-air lidar dark band

Paolo Di Girolamo, Andrea Scoccione, Marco Cacciani, Donato Summa, Benedetto De Rosa, and Jan H. Schween

Data sets

The HD(CP)2 Data Archive for Atmospheric Measurement Data E. Stamnas, A. Lammert, V. Winkelmann, and U. Lang

Short summary
The paper illustrates what we believe are the first measurements of a phenomenon taking place in upper portion of the convective boundary layer in clear-air conditions leading to the appearance of a persistent minimum in lidar backscatter echoes, with alternating intensifications and attenuations. The paper gives experimental evidence of the phenomenon and provides possible interpretations for its occurrence referring to both hygroscopic and scattering properties of sounded aerosol particles.
Final-revised paper