Articles | Volume 18, issue 5
Research article
13 Mar 2018
Research article |  | 13 Mar 2018

Ubiquitous influence of wildfire emissions and secondary organic aerosol on summertime atmospheric aerosol in the forested Great Lakes region

Matthew J. Gunsch, Nathaniel W. May, Miao Wen, Courtney L. H. Bottenus, Daniel J. Gardner, Timothy M. VanReken, Steven B. Bertman, Philip K. Hopke, Andrew P. Ault, and Kerri A. Pratt


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Discussed (final revised paper)

Latest update: 14 Dec 2024
Short summary
During summer 2014, atmospheric particulate matter in northern Michigan was impacted by wildfire emissions under all air mass conditions (Canadian wildfires, US urban, and Canadian forest influences). Biomass burning particles coated with secondary organic aerosol contributed the majority of the submicron aerosol mass. Given increasing wildfires, the impacts of biomass burning on air quality must be assessed, particularly for downwind areas impacted by long-range transport.
Final-revised paper