Articles | Volume 18, issue 23
Research article
10 Dec 2018
Research article |  | 10 Dec 2018

H2SO4–H2O–NH3 ternary ion-mediated nucleation (TIMN): kinetic-based model and comparison with CLOUD measurements

Fangqun Yu, Alexey B. Nadykto, Jason Herb, Gan Luo, Kirill M. Nazarenko, and Lyudmila A. Uvarova


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Short summary
Aerosol nucleation exerts important influences on the climate, hydrological cycle, and air quality. We have developed an advanced physical–chemical model that describes ion-induced and neutral nucleation involving ammonia, sulfuric acid, and water vapors. The model is shown to reproduce laboratory measurements taken under a wide range of conditions, offers physiochemical insights into the ternary nucleation process, and provides an accurate approach to calculate ternary rate in the atmosphere.
Final-revised paper