Articles | Volume 18, issue 22
Research article
16 Nov 2018
Research article |  | 16 Nov 2018

Acid gases and aerosol measurements in the UK (1999–2015): regional distributions and trends

Y. Sim Tang, Christine F. Braban, Ulrike Dragosits, Ivan Simmons, David Leaver, Netty van Dijk, Janet Poskitt, Sarah Thacker, Manisha Patel, Heather Carter, M. Glória Pereira, Patrick O. Keenan, Alan Lawlor, Christopher Conolly, Keith Vincent, Mathew R. Heal, and Mark A. Sutton


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Short summary
A unique long-term dataset (1999–2015) of atmospheric gases (HNO3, SO2, HCl, NH3) and aerosol (NO3-, SO42-, Cl-, NH4+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+) from two integrated UK networks (>12 sites) was analysed to assess spatial, temporal, and long-term trends. A change in particulate phase from (NH4)2SO4 to NH4NO3 is seen, with indications that a larger fraction of the reduced and oxidized N is remaining in the gas phase. Key pollutant events captured highlight influence of trans-boundary transport into the UK.
Final-revised paper