Articles | Volume 17, issue 15
Research article
10 Aug 2017
Research article |  | 10 Aug 2017

Observational evidence for the formation of DMS-derived aerosols during Arctic phytoplankton blooms

Ki-Tae Park, Sehyun Jang, Kitack Lee, Young Jun Yoon, Min-Seob Kim, Kihong Park, Hee-Joo Cho, Jung-Ho Kang, Roberto Udisti, Bang-Yong Lee, and Kyung-Hoon Shin


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Discussed (final revised paper)

Latest update: 12 Mar 2025
Short summary
We evaluated the connection between DMS and the formation of aerosol particles in the Arctic atmosphere by analyzing multiple datasets of atmospheric DMS, aerosol particle size distributions and aerosol chemical composition that were collected at Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard (78.5° N, 11.8° E), during April–May 2015. The key finding from this research is that the contribution of biogenic DMS to the formation of aerosol particles was substantial during the phytoplankton bloom period.
Final-revised paper