Articles | Volume 17, issue 14
Research article
27 Jul 2017
Research article |  | 27 Jul 2017

OMI-measured increasing SO2 emissions due to energy industry expansion and relocation in northwestern China

Zaili Ling, Tao Huang, Yuan Zhao, Jixiang Li, Xiaodong Zhang, Jinxiang Wang, Lulu Lian, Xiaoxuan Mao, Hong Gao, and Jianmin Ma


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Short summary
This paper assesses OMI-measured SO2 levels and emission burdens in northwestern China over the last decade. In contrast to widespread decline of SO2 in eastern and southern China, the OMI remote sensing data reveal increasing SO2 level and emissions in energy-abundant northwestern China under the national energy relocation strategy to this part of China, which are mostly from large-scale energy industry parks in northwestern China and pose a threat to the poor local ecological environment.
Final-revised paper