Articles | Volume 17, issue 14
Research article
27 Jul 2017
Research article |  | 27 Jul 2017

Estimation of bubble-mediated air–sea gas exchange from concurrent DMS and CO2 transfer velocities at intermediate–high wind speeds

Thomas G. Bell, Sebastian Landwehr, Scott D. Miller, Warren J. de Bruyn, Adrian H. Callaghan, Brian Scanlon, Brian Ward, Mingxi Yang, and Eric S. Saltzman


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Short summary
The mechanisms that determine the air–sea exchange of gases such as carbon dioxide are not well understood. During a research cruise in the North Atlantic, we simultaneously measured the air–sea transfer of two gases with contrasting solubility over a range in wind and wave conditions. We compare the transfer of these gases to improve understanding of how bubbles from breaking waves may mediate air–sea gas fluxes.
Final-revised paper