Articles | Volume 17, issue 9
Research article
12 May 2017
Research article |  | 12 May 2017

Three-dimensional evolution of Saharan dust transport towards Europe based on a 9-year EARLINET-optimized CALIPSO dataset

Eleni Marinou, Vassilis Amiridis, Ioannis Binietoglou, Athanasios Tsikerdekis, Stavros Solomos, Emannouil Proestakis, Dimitra Konsta, Nikolaos Papagiannopoulos, Alexandra Tsekeri, Georgia Vlastou, Prodromos Zanis, Dimitrios Balis, Ulla Wandinger, and Albert Ansmann


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Short summary
We provide a 3D multiyear analysis on the evolution of Saharan dust over Europe, using a dust product retrieved from the CALIPSO satellite and using EARLINET methods. The results reveal for the first time the 9-year 3D seasonal patterns of dust over its transport paths from the Sahara towards the Mediterranean. The dataset is unique with respect to its potential applications, including the evaluation of dust models and the estimation of ice nuclei concentration profiles from space.
Final-revised paper