Articles | Volume 17, issue 5
Research article
15 Mar 2017
Research article |  | 15 Mar 2017

AIRUSE-LIFE +: estimation of natural source contributions to urban ambient air PM10 and PM2. 5 concentrations in southern Europe – implications to compliance with limit values

Evangelia Diapouli, Manousos I. Manousakas, Stergios Vratolis, Vasiliki Vasilatou, Stella Pateraki, Kyriaki A. Bairachtari, Xavier Querol, Fulvio Amato, Andrés Alastuey, Angeliki A. Karanasiou, Franco Lucarelli, Silvia Nava, Giulia Calzolai, Vorne L. Gianelle, Cristina Colombi, Célia Alves, Danilo Custódio, Casimiro Pio, Christos Spyrou, George B. Kallos, and Konstantinos Eleftheriadis


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Short summary
This study examined the contribution of two natural sources (long-range transport of African dust and sea salt) to the airborne particulate matter concentrations, in 5 southern European cities (Porto, Barcelona, Milan, Florence, Athens). The results demonstrated that natural sources are often expressed with high-intensity events, leading even to exceedances of the EU air quality standards. This effect was more pronounced in the case of African dust intrusions in the eastern Mediterranean area.
Final-revised paper