Articles | Volume 17, issue 22
Research article
23 Nov 2017
Research article |  | 23 Nov 2017

Vegetation greenness and land carbon-flux anomalies associated with climate variations: a focus on the year 2015

Chao Yue, Philippe Ciais, Ana Bastos, Frederic Chevallier, Yi Yin, Christian Rödenbeck, and Taejin Park


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Latest update: 14 Dec 2024
Short summary
The year 2015 appeared as a paradox regarding how global carbon cycle has responded to climate variation: it is the greenest year since 2000 according to satellite observation, but the atmospheric CO2 growth rate is also the highest since 1959. We found that this is due to a only moderate land carbon sink, because high growing-season sink in northern lands has been partly offset by autumn and winter release and the late-year El Niño has led to an abrupt transition to land source in the tropics.
Final-revised paper