Articles | Volume 16, issue 15
Research article
03 Aug 2016
Research article |  | 03 Aug 2016

A model study of the pollution effects of the first 3 months of the Holuhraun volcanic fissure: comparison with observations and air pollution effects

Birthe Marie Steensen, Michael Schulz, Nicolas Theys, and Hilde Fagerli


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Short summary
The Bardarbunga volcanic fissure during the second half of 2014 caused large amounts of SO2 emission. The paper studies the effects of this increase in pollution levels over Europe during the first 3 months of the eruption with a dispersion model. The model results are compared to satellite and surface concentration observations. The biggest differences are found in Iceland and on the coast of northern Norway. For the average pollution levels over Europe, Iceland is located too far away.
Final-revised paper