Articles | Volume 16, issue 10
Research article
19 May 2016
Research article |  | 19 May 2016

Changes in the shape of cloud ice water content vertical structure due to aerosol variations

Steven T. Massie, Julien Delanoë, Charles G. Bardeen, Jonathan H. Jiang, and Lei Huang

Data sets

v2.1.0 DARDAR data, Ice water content vertical profiles ICARE Thematic Center

v3 OMI OMAEROe data, absorptive aerosol optical depths NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center data archive

v4 MLS CO data, carbon monoxide mixing ratios NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center data archive

Short summary
Changes in cloud vertical structure (i.e. the shape of cloud ice water content (IWC) vertical structure) due to variations in aerosol, observed by three different satellite experiments (MODIS, OMI, and MLS) are calculated in the Tropics during 2007–2010. This topic is of interest because aerosol-cloud interactions are the largest source of uncertainty in climate models. Analysis of the effects of MODIS aerosol, OMI absorptive aerosol, and MLS CO (an absorptive aerosol proxy) upon deep convective
Final-revised paper