Articles | Volume 16, issue 8
Research article
26 Apr 2016
Research article |  | 26 Apr 2016

Biogenic, anthropogenic and sea salt sulfate size-segregated aerosols in the Arctic summer

Roya Ghahreman, Ann-Lise Norman, Jonathan P. D. Abbatt, Maurice Levasseur, and Jennie L. Thomas


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Short summary
Aerosols in six size fractions (> 0.49–7.0 microns) were collected in the Arctic (July 2014). The isotopic composition of sulfate aerosols was measured to determine the role of biogenic and anthropogenic sources in the growth of aerosols. More than 63 % of the average sulfate concentration in the fine aerosols (> 0.49 microns) was from biogenic sources. For some samples, the S isotope ratio values for SO2 and fine aerosols were close together, suggesting the same source for SO2 and aerosol sulfur.
Final-revised paper