Research article
22 Apr 2016
Research article |

22 Apr 2016
Inverse modeling of GOSAT-retrieved ratios of total column CH4 and CO2 for 2009 and 2010
Sudhanshu Pandey, Sander Houweling, Maarten Krol, Ilse Aben, Frédéric Chevallier, Edward J. Dlugokencky, Luciana V. Gatti, Emanuel Gloor, John B. Miller, Rob Detmers, Toshinobu Machida, and Thomas Röckmann
Data sets
RemoTeC XCH4 PROXY GOSAT Data Products
Detmers, R. and Hasekamp, O.
Atmospheric Methane Dry Air Mole Fractions from the NOAA ESRL Carbon Cycle Cooperative Global Air Sampling Network
Dlugokencky, E. J., Lang, P. M., Crotwell, A. M., Masarie, K. A., and Crotwell, M. J.
CarbonTracker CO2 fluxes, NOAA ESRL, Boulder, Colorado, USA
Tans, P., Jacobson, A., Schuldt, K., Mund, J., Trudeau, M., Peters, W., Andrews, A., Sweeney, C., Miller, J. B., Oda, T., Bruhwiler, L., and Pétron, G.