Articles | Volume 16, issue 5
Research article
08 Mar 2016
Research article |  | 08 Mar 2016

Sensitivity of modeled atmospheric nitrogen species and nitrogen deposition to variations in sea salt emissions in the North Sea and Baltic Sea regions

Daniel Neumann, Volker Matthias, Johannes Bieser, Armin Aulinger, and Markus Quante


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Short summary
Sea salt emissions were updated to be dependent on salinity which improved sodium predictions in the Baltic Sea region. The impact of sea salt on atmospheric nitrate and ammonium concentrations and on nitrogen deposition in the North and Baltic Sea region is assessed. Sea salt has a low effect on nitrate concentrations but does not improve them. 3 to 7 % of the nitrogen deposition into the North Sea is accounted to the presence of sea salt. In the Baltic Sea, the contribution is negligible.
Final-revised paper