Articles | Volume 16, issue 4
Research article
02 Mar 2016
Research article |  | 02 Mar 2016

Light absorption and morphological properties of soot-containing aerosols observed at an East Asian outflow site, Noto Peninsula, Japan

Sayako Ueda, Tomoki Nakayama, Fumikazu Taketani, Kouji Adachi, Atsushi Matsuki, Yoko Iwamoto, Yasuhiro Sadanaga, and Yutaka Matsumi


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Short summary
Detailed understandings of the light absorption property of black carbon (BC) particles and its relation to the mixing state and morphology are important. In this study, the enhancement of light absorption of BC due to coating (lensing effect) in a well-aged air mass was observed at an East Asian outflow site in Japan using a photoacoustic spectrometer, and its relation with mixing state and morphology of individual particles was examined based on transmission electron microscope analyses.
Final-revised paper