Articles | Volume 16, issue 22
Research article
23 Nov 2016
Research article |  | 23 Nov 2016

Morphology and mixing of black carbon particles collected in central California during the CARES field study

Ryan C. Moffet, Rachel E. O'Brien, Peter A. Alpert, Stephen T. Kelly, Don Q. Pham, Mary K. Gilles, Daniel A. Knopf, and Alexander Laskin


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Discussed (final revised paper)

Latest update: 30 Jan 2025
Short summary
Atmospheric black carbon (BC), commonly known as soot, is an important constituent of the earth that imparts a warming similar to that of carbon dioxide. However, BC is much shorter lived and has uncertain warming due to its mixture with other solid and liquid components. Here, advanced microscopic methods have provided a detailed look at thousands of BC particles sampled from central California; these measurements will lead towards a better understanding of the effects that BC has on climate.
Final-revised paper