Articles | Volume 16, issue 22
Research article
22 Nov 2016
Research article |  | 22 Nov 2016

Ozone production and its sensitivity to NOx and VOCs: results from the DISCOVER-AQ field experiment, Houston 2013

Gina M. Mazzuca, Xinrong Ren, Christopher P. Loughner, Mark Estes, James H. Crawford, Kenneth E. Pickering, Andrew J. Weinheimer, and Russell R. Dickerson


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Short summary
We used a box model to study the sensitivity of ozone production by different precursors within the Houston metro area during NASA's DISCOVER-AQ air quality field mission in 2013. We constrained the box model to observations from the campaign and to a 3-D model for species that were not measured. By focusing our analysis on different locations and times of day within the metro area, we were able to suggest which ozone precursors, if controlled, would have the greatest impact on ozone reduction.
Final-revised paper