Articles | Volume 16, issue 22
Research article
15 Nov 2016
Research article |  | 15 Nov 2016

Aerosol arriving on the Caribbean island of Barbados: physical properties and origin

Heike Wex, Katrin Dieckmann, Greg C. Roberts, Thomas Conrath, Miguel A. Izaguirre, Susan Hartmann, Paul Herenz, Michael Schäfer, Florian Ditas, Tina Schmeissner, Silvia Henning, Birgit Wehner, Holger Siebert, and Frank Stratmann


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Short summary
Aerosol arriving in the eastern Caribbean after passing the Atlantic is characterized, based on ground-based and airborne measurements. We describe the repetitive occurrence of three different types of air masses and relate them to their origin from either Africa or the Atlantic and also draw conclusions about the particle composition. The length of the data series is unprecedented. By a comparison with other studies, we also suggest that the organic fraction in the aerosol depends on season.
Final-revised paper