Articles | Volume 16, issue 15
Research article
12 Aug 2016
Research article |  | 12 Aug 2016

Atmospheric salt deposition in a tropical mountain rainforest at the eastern Andean slopes of south Ecuador – Pacific or Atlantic origin?

Sandro Makowski Giannoni, Katja Trachte, Ruetger Rollenbeck, Lukas Lehnert, Julia Fuchs, and Joerg Bendix


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Short summary
We have analysed the atmospheric deposition of sodium and chloride and its emission sources in a tropical mountain forest characterized by a very complex terrain in the south of Ecuador. We found that, given the special location of the study area in a topographic depression in the Andes and thanks to the seasonal shifts in the atmospheric synoptic circulation, the contribution of additional sea salt sources might in part alleviate the scarcity of salt seen in other forests in the western Amazon.
Final-revised paper