Articles | Volume 16, issue 15
Research article
11 Aug 2016
Research article |  | 11 Aug 2016

The possible contribution of the periodic emissions from farmers' activities in the North China Plain to atmospheric water-soluble ions in Beijing

Pengfei Liu, Chenglong Zhang, Yujing Mu, Chengtang Liu, Chaoyang Xue, Can Ye, Junfeng Liu, Yuanyuan Zhang, and Hongxing Zhang


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Short summary
The periodic emissions from farmers' activities in the NCP were found to make a great contribution to atmospheric WSIs in Beijing: crop straw burning contributed to K+ in Beijing; coal combustion for heating by farmers in winter and the use of NH4Cl fertilizers in the NCP contributed to Cl in Beijing. The harvest and soil ploughing in autumn contributed to the regional Ca2+. In addition, the mineral dust greatly accelerated formation of sulfate and nitrate through heterogeneous reactions.
Final-revised paper