Articles | Volume 15, issue 17
Research article
01 Sep 2015
Research article |  | 01 Sep 2015

Comparing the CarbonTracker and TM5-4DVar data assimilation systems for CO2 surface flux inversions

A. Babenhauserheide, S. Basu, S. Houweling, W. Peters, and A. Butz


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Short summary
We compare two different data assimilation systems for estimating sources and sinks of CO_2 from concentration measurements. The systems are CarbonTracker and TM5-4DVar, which have both been used in a number of scientific studies. We analyze the differences between both models as well as the sensitivity of the estimated sources and sinks to the observation coverage. The results provide a lower limit for the uncertainty of surface carbon fluxes with the current measurement network.
Final-revised paper