Articles | Volume 15, issue 16
Research article
21 Aug 2015
Research article |  | 21 Aug 2015

The influences of mass loading and rapid dilution of secondary organic aerosol on particle volatility

K. R. Kolesar, C. Chen, D. Johnson, and C. D. Cappa


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Short summary
Secondary organic aerosol from the dark ozonolysis of α‑pinene was formed at a range of mass loadings from 1 to 800μg m-3. The amount of mass loss during evaporation in a thermodenuder was found to be independent of mass loading. A kinetic model of evaporation was fit to the observations and good agreement was obtained when the particle was either composed of dimers that decompose into semi-volatile monomers or when it was composed of low-volatility compounds that evaporate directly.
Final-revised paper