Articles | Volume 15, issue 15
Research article
12 Aug 2015
Research article |  | 12 Aug 2015

New fire diurnal cycle characterizations to improve fire radiative energy assessments made from MODIS observations

N. Andela, J. W. Kaiser, G. R. van der Werf, and M. J. Wooster


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Short summary
The polar orbiting MODIS instruments provide four daily observations of the fire diurnal cycle, resulting in erroneous fire radiative energy (FRE) estimates. Using geostationary SEVIRI data, we explore the fire diurnal cycle and its drivers for Africa to develop a new method to estimate global FRE in near real-time using MODIS. The fire diurnal cycle varied with climate and vegetation type, and including information on the fire diurnal cycle in the model significantly improved the FRE estimates.
Final-revised paper