Articles | Volume 15, issue 14
Research article
27 Jul 2015
Research article |  | 27 Jul 2015

Black carbon emissions from Russian diesel sources: case study of Murmansk

M. Evans, N. Kholod, V. Malyshev, S. Tretyakova, E. Gusev, S. Yu, and A. Barinov


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Short summary
We estimated BC emissions from diesel sources in Murmansk Region and Murmansk City, the largest city in the Arctic. We developed a detailed inventory including on-road vehicles, off-road transport (mining, locomotives, construction and agriculture), fishing and diesel generators. We conducted several surveys to understand the vehicle fleet and driving patterns. BC emissions in Murmansk Region were 0.40 Gg in 2012. Total BC emissions from diesel sources in Russia estimated at 50.8 Gg in 2010.
Final-revised paper