Articles | Volume 15, issue 2
Research article
22 Jan 2015
Research article |  | 22 Jan 2015

Model calculations of the effects of present and future emissions of air pollutants from shipping in the Baltic Sea and the North Sea

J. E. Jonson, J. P. Jalkanen, L. Johansson, M. Gauss, and H. A. C. Denier van der Gon


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Latest update: 13 Dec 2024
Short summary
In order to assess the effects of ship emissions in and around the Baltic Sea and the North Sea, regional model calculations are made with the EMEP air pollution model. Ship emissions are based on accurate ship positioning data. The effects on depositions and air pollution and the resulting number of years of life lost (YOLLs) are calculated by comparing model calculations with and without ship emissions, with ship emissions before and after 2010, and for future projections.
Final-revised paper