Articles | Volume 15, issue 10
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© Author(s) 2015. This work is distributed under
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Ocean mediation of tropospheric response to reflecting and absorbing aerosols
National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80303, USA
S.-P. Xie
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA
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37 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Reduced aerosols and intensified summertime rainfall in India during the pandemic suggest potentially more amplified precipitation in the future F. Wang & M. Gao 10.1088/1748-9326/adac7d
- Climatological patterns of subseasonal eddy flux transfer based on the co‐spectral analysis over the Indian region and the derivation of an index of eddy transfer for operational tracking M. Kalshetti et al. 10.1002/joc.6821
- Reassessing the relative role of anthropogenic aerosols and natural decadal variability in driving the mid-twentieth century global “cooling”: a focus on the latitudinal gradient of tropospheric temperature C. Diao & Y. Xu 10.1007/s00382-022-06235-y
- Impact of Asian aerosol forcing on tropical Pacific circulation and the relationship to global temperature trends L. Kuntz & D. Schrag 10.1002/2016JD025430
- Climate response to the spatial and temporal evolutions of anthropogenic aerosol forcing H. Wang & Y. Wen 10.1007/s00382-021-06059-2
- Isolating the Meteorological Impact of 21st Century GHG Warming on the Removal and Atmospheric Loading of Anthropogenic Fine Particulate Matter Pollution at Global Scale Y. Xu & J. Lamarque 10.1002/2017EF000684
- Changes in Extreme Rainfall Over India and China Attributed to Regional Aerosol‐Cloud Interaction During the Late 20th Century Rapid Industrialization L. Lin et al. 10.1029/2018GL078308
- Dynamics of Asian Summer Monsoon Response to Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing H. Wang et al. 10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0386.1
- Larger Sensitivity of Precipitation Extremes to Aerosol Than Greenhouse Gas Forcing in CMIP5 Models L. Lin et al. 10.1029/2018JD028821
- Spatially similar surface energy flux perturbations due to greenhouse gases and aerosols G. Persad et al. 10.1038/s41467-018-05735-y
- Subsurface Ocean Temperature Responses to the Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing in the North Pacific J. Shi et al. 10.1029/2022GL101035
- Responses of the East Asian summer monsoon to aerosol forcing in CMIP5 models: The role of upper‐tropospheric temperature change J. Mu & Z. Wang 10.1002/joc.6887
- Scattering and absorbing aerosols in the climate system J. Li et al. 10.1038/s43017-022-00296-7
- Anthropogenically Forced Decadal Change of South Asian Summer Monsoon Across the Mid‐1990s F. Luo et al. 10.1029/2018JD029195
- Seasonal Responses of Indian Summer Monsoon to Dust Aerosols in the Middle East, India, and China Q. Jin et al. 10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0622.1
- Equilibrium climate response of the East Asian summer monsoon to forcing of anthropogenic aerosol species Z. Wang et al. 10.1007/s13351-017-7059-5
- Strong Influence of Aerosol Reductions on Future Heatwaves A. Zhao et al. 10.1029/2019GL082269
- Detecting cross‐equatorial wind change as a fingerprint of climate response to anthropogenic aerosol forcing H. Wang et al. 10.1002/2016GL068521
- Anthropogenic aerosol effects on tropospheric circulation and sea surface temperature (1980–2020): separating the role of zonally asymmetric forcings C. Diao et al. 10.5194/acp-21-18499-2021
- The Fast Response of the Atmospheric Water Cycle to Anthropogenic Black Carbon Aerosols during Summer in East Asia C. Pan et al. 10.1175/JCLI-D-20-0492.1
- Changes in Hadley circulation and intertropical convergence zone under strategic stratospheric aerosol geoengineering W. Cheng et al. 10.1038/s41612-022-00254-6
- Dynamics of Southern Hemisphere Atmospheric Circulation Response to Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing H. Wang et al. 10.1029/2020GL089919
- Changes in anthropogenic particulate matters and resulting global climate effects since the Industrial Revolution D. Yang et al. 10.1002/joc.7245
- Observed high-altitude warming and snow cover retreat over Tibet and the Himalayas enhanced by black carbon aerosols Y. Xu et al. 10.5194/acp-16-1303-2016
- Constraining Aging Processes of Black Carbon in the Community Atmosphere Model Using Environmental Chamber Measurements Y. Wang et al. 10.1029/2018MS001387
- The direct effects of black carbon aerosols from different source sectors in East Asia in summer B. Zhuang et al. 10.1007/s00382-019-04863-5
- The Role of Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing in Interdecadal Variations of Summertime Upper‐Tropospheric Temperature Over East Asia Z. Wang et al. 10.1029/2018EF001052
- Quantifying snow darkening and atmospheric radiative effects of black carbon and dust on the South Asian monsoon and hydrological cycle: experiments using variable-resolution CESM S. Rahimi et al. 10.5194/acp-19-12025-2019
- Fast and slow responses of surface air temperature in China to short-lived climate forcers B. Xie et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162888
- The importance of aerosol scenarios in projections of future heat extremes Y. Xu et al. 10.1007/s10584-015-1565-1
- Asymmetric variations in the tropical ascending branches of Hadley circulations and the associated mechanisms and effects B. Sun 10.1007/s00376-017-7089-z
- Comparison of Climate Response to Anthropogenic Aerosol versus Greenhouse Gas Forcing: Distinct Patterns H. Wang et al. 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0106.1
- Disentangling fast and slow responses of the East Asian summer monsoon to reflecting and absorbing aerosol forcings Z. Wang et al. 10.5194/acp-17-11075-2017
- Impacts of recent decadal changes in Asian aerosols on the East Asian summer monsoon: roles of aerosol–radiation and aerosol–cloud interactions B. Dong et al. 10.1007/s00382-019-04698-0
- The Dominant Role of Snow/Ice Albedo Feedback Strengthened by Black Carbon in the Enhanced Warming over the Himalayas J. Ma et al. 10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0720.1
- Impact of anthropogenic aerosols from global, East Asian, and non-East Asian sources on East Asian summer monsoon system Q. Wang et al. 10.1016/j.atmosres.2016.08.023
- The effect of absorbing aerosols on Indian monsoon circulation and rainfall: A review S. Sanap & G. Pandithurai 10.1016/j.atmosres.2015.06.002
35 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Reduced aerosols and intensified summertime rainfall in India during the pandemic suggest potentially more amplified precipitation in the future F. Wang & M. Gao 10.1088/1748-9326/adac7d
- Climatological patterns of subseasonal eddy flux transfer based on the co‐spectral analysis over the Indian region and the derivation of an index of eddy transfer for operational tracking M. Kalshetti et al. 10.1002/joc.6821
- Reassessing the relative role of anthropogenic aerosols and natural decadal variability in driving the mid-twentieth century global “cooling”: a focus on the latitudinal gradient of tropospheric temperature C. Diao & Y. Xu 10.1007/s00382-022-06235-y
- Impact of Asian aerosol forcing on tropical Pacific circulation and the relationship to global temperature trends L. Kuntz & D. Schrag 10.1002/2016JD025430
- Climate response to the spatial and temporal evolutions of anthropogenic aerosol forcing H. Wang & Y. Wen 10.1007/s00382-021-06059-2
- Isolating the Meteorological Impact of 21st Century GHG Warming on the Removal and Atmospheric Loading of Anthropogenic Fine Particulate Matter Pollution at Global Scale Y. Xu & J. Lamarque 10.1002/2017EF000684
- Changes in Extreme Rainfall Over India and China Attributed to Regional Aerosol‐Cloud Interaction During the Late 20th Century Rapid Industrialization L. Lin et al. 10.1029/2018GL078308
- Dynamics of Asian Summer Monsoon Response to Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing H. Wang et al. 10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0386.1
- Larger Sensitivity of Precipitation Extremes to Aerosol Than Greenhouse Gas Forcing in CMIP5 Models L. Lin et al. 10.1029/2018JD028821
- Spatially similar surface energy flux perturbations due to greenhouse gases and aerosols G. Persad et al. 10.1038/s41467-018-05735-y
- Subsurface Ocean Temperature Responses to the Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing in the North Pacific J. Shi et al. 10.1029/2022GL101035
- Responses of the East Asian summer monsoon to aerosol forcing in CMIP5 models: The role of upper‐tropospheric temperature change J. Mu & Z. Wang 10.1002/joc.6887
- Scattering and absorbing aerosols in the climate system J. Li et al. 10.1038/s43017-022-00296-7
- Anthropogenically Forced Decadal Change of South Asian Summer Monsoon Across the Mid‐1990s F. Luo et al. 10.1029/2018JD029195
- Seasonal Responses of Indian Summer Monsoon to Dust Aerosols in the Middle East, India, and China Q. Jin et al. 10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0622.1
- Equilibrium climate response of the East Asian summer monsoon to forcing of anthropogenic aerosol species Z. Wang et al. 10.1007/s13351-017-7059-5
- Strong Influence of Aerosol Reductions on Future Heatwaves A. Zhao et al. 10.1029/2019GL082269
- Detecting cross‐equatorial wind change as a fingerprint of climate response to anthropogenic aerosol forcing H. Wang et al. 10.1002/2016GL068521
- Anthropogenic aerosol effects on tropospheric circulation and sea surface temperature (1980–2020): separating the role of zonally asymmetric forcings C. Diao et al. 10.5194/acp-21-18499-2021
- The Fast Response of the Atmospheric Water Cycle to Anthropogenic Black Carbon Aerosols during Summer in East Asia C. Pan et al. 10.1175/JCLI-D-20-0492.1
- Changes in Hadley circulation and intertropical convergence zone under strategic stratospheric aerosol geoengineering W. Cheng et al. 10.1038/s41612-022-00254-6
- Dynamics of Southern Hemisphere Atmospheric Circulation Response to Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing H. Wang et al. 10.1029/2020GL089919
- Changes in anthropogenic particulate matters and resulting global climate effects since the Industrial Revolution D. Yang et al. 10.1002/joc.7245
- Observed high-altitude warming and snow cover retreat over Tibet and the Himalayas enhanced by black carbon aerosols Y. Xu et al. 10.5194/acp-16-1303-2016
- Constraining Aging Processes of Black Carbon in the Community Atmosphere Model Using Environmental Chamber Measurements Y. Wang et al. 10.1029/2018MS001387
- The direct effects of black carbon aerosols from different source sectors in East Asia in summer B. Zhuang et al. 10.1007/s00382-019-04863-5
- The Role of Anthropogenic Aerosol Forcing in Interdecadal Variations of Summertime Upper‐Tropospheric Temperature Over East Asia Z. Wang et al. 10.1029/2018EF001052
- Quantifying snow darkening and atmospheric radiative effects of black carbon and dust on the South Asian monsoon and hydrological cycle: experiments using variable-resolution CESM S. Rahimi et al. 10.5194/acp-19-12025-2019
- Fast and slow responses of surface air temperature in China to short-lived climate forcers B. Xie et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162888
- The importance of aerosol scenarios in projections of future heat extremes Y. Xu et al. 10.1007/s10584-015-1565-1
- Asymmetric variations in the tropical ascending branches of Hadley circulations and the associated mechanisms and effects B. Sun 10.1007/s00376-017-7089-z
- Comparison of Climate Response to Anthropogenic Aerosol versus Greenhouse Gas Forcing: Distinct Patterns H. Wang et al. 10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0106.1
- Disentangling fast and slow responses of the East Asian summer monsoon to reflecting and absorbing aerosol forcings Z. Wang et al. 10.5194/acp-17-11075-2017
- Impacts of recent decadal changes in Asian aerosols on the East Asian summer monsoon: roles of aerosol–radiation and aerosol–cloud interactions B. Dong et al. 10.1007/s00382-019-04698-0
- The Dominant Role of Snow/Ice Albedo Feedback Strengthened by Black Carbon in the Enhanced Warming over the Himalayas J. Ma et al. 10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0720.1
2 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Impact of anthropogenic aerosols from global, East Asian, and non-East Asian sources on East Asian summer monsoon system Q. Wang et al. 10.1016/j.atmosres.2016.08.023
- The effect of absorbing aerosols on Indian monsoon circulation and rainfall: A review S. Sanap & G. Pandithurai 10.1016/j.atmosres.2015.06.002
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Latest update: 14 Mar 2025
Short summary
Strong solar heating by absorbing aerosols (black carbon) is considered more effective in inducing atmospheric circulation change than reflecting aerosols (sulfate), which do not have direct atmospheric heating effect. Surprisingly, we show that reflecting aerosols induce tropospheric temperature and circulation response similar to that induced by absorbing aerosols. The common response is mediated by the ocean through SST gradient, a process overlooked so far in aerosol-climate connection.
Strong solar heating by absorbing aerosols (black carbon) is considered more effective in...
Final-revised paper