Articles | Volume 15, issue 1
Research article
13 Jan 2015
Research article |  | 13 Jan 2015

Integrating laboratory and field data to quantify the immersion freezing ice nucleation activity of mineral dust particles

P. J. DeMott, A. J. Prenni, G. R. McMeeking, R. C. Sullivan, M. D. Petters, Y. Tobo, M. Niemand, O. Möhler, J. R. Snider, Z. Wang, and S. M. Kreidenweis


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Short summary
Laboratory and field data are used together to develop an empirical relation between the concentrations of mineral dust particles at sizes above 0.5 microns, approximated as a single compositional type, and ice nucleating particle concentrations measured versus temperature. This should be useful in global modeling of ice cloud formation. The utility of laboratory data for parameterization development is reinforced, and the need for careful interpretation of ice nucleation data is emphasized.
Final-revised paper