Articles | Volume 15, issue 21
Research article
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09 Nov 2015
Research article | Highlight paper |  | 09 Nov 2015

Ice water content vertical profiles of high-level clouds: classification and impact on radiative fluxes

A. G. Feofilov, C. J. Stubenrauch, and J. Delanoë


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Short summary
We discuss the shape of ice water content (IWC) vertical profiles in high ice clouds and its effect on radiative properties of these clouds, both in short- and in long-wave bands (SW and LW). We suggest a set of primitive shapes (rectangular, isosceles trapezoid, lower and upper triangle) and propose a statistical parameterization using ice water path (IWP) as a single parameter. We estimate and explain simulated differences in LW/SW atmospheric radiances for suggested IWC shapes.
Final-revised paper