Articles | Volume 15, issue 18
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© Author(s) 2015. This work is distributed under
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The role of ice nuclei recycling in the maintenance of cloud ice in Arctic mixed-phase stratocumulus
A. Solomon
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, Colorado, USA
Earth System Research Laboratory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Boulder, Colorado, USA
G. Feingold
Earth System Research Laboratory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Boulder, Colorado, USA
M. D. Shupe
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, Colorado, USA
Earth System Research Laboratory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Boulder, Colorado, USA
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54 citations as recorded by crossref.
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Latest update: 07 Feb 2025
Short summary
The maintenance of cloud ice production in Arctic mixed-phase stratocumulus is investigated in large eddy simulations that include a prognostic ice nuclei (IN) formulation and a diurnal cycle. It is demonstrated that IN recycling through subcloud sublimation prolongs ice production. Competing feedbacks between dynamical mixing and recycling are found to slow the rate of ice lost. The results of this study have important implications for the maintenance of phase partitioning in Arctic clouds.
The maintenance of cloud ice production in Arctic mixed-phase stratocumulus is investigated in...
Final-revised paper