Articles | Volume 15, issue 2
Research article
29 Jan 2015
Research article |  | 29 Jan 2015

Correlation slopes of GEM / CO, GEM / CO2, and GEM / CH4 and estimated mercury emissions in China, South Asia, the Indochinese Peninsula, and Central Asia derived from observations in northwestern and southwestern China

X. W. Fu, H. Zhang, C.-J. Lin, X. B. Feng, L. X. Zhou, and S. X. Fang


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Short summary
This paper is the first to report correlation slopes of GEM/CO, GEM/CO2, GEM/CH4, CH4/CO, CH4/CO2, and CO/CO2 for mainland China, South Asia, the Indochinese Peninsula, and Central Asia, and applied the values to estimate GEM emissions in the four source regions. The estimated Hg0 emissions for mainland China, South Asia, the Indochinese Peninsula, and Central Asia using GEM/CO and GEM/CO2 correlation slopes are in the ranges of 1071-1187, 340-470, 125, and 54-90t, respectively.
Final-revised paper