Articles | Volume 13, issue 24
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© Author(s) 2013. This work is distributed under
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Simulated radiative forcing from contrails and contrail cirrus
C.-C. Chen
National Center for Atmospheric Research, P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA
A. Gettelman
National Center for Atmospheric Research, P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA
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45 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Impacts of multi-layer overlap on contrail radiative forcing I. Sanz-Morère et al. 10.5194/acp-21-1649-2021
- The climate impact of COVID-19-induced contrail changes A. Gettelman et al. 10.5194/acp-21-9405-2021
- Exploring the uncertainties in the aviation soot–cirrus effect M. Righi et al. 10.5194/acp-21-17267-2021
- Marginal climate and air quality costs of aviation emissions C. Grobler et al. 10.1088/1748-9326/ab4942
- Formation and radiative forcing of contrail cirrus B. Kärcher 10.1038/s41467-018-04068-0
- Uncertainties in mitigating aviation non-CO2 emissions for climate and air quality using hydrocarbon fuels D. Lee et al. 10.1039/D3EA00091E
- Ground-based contrail observations: comparisons with reanalysis weather data and contrail model simulations J. Low et al. 10.5194/amt-18-37-2025
- Reducing Uncertainty in Contrail Radiative Forcing Resulting from Uncertainty in Ice Crystal Properties I. Sanz-Morère et al. 10.1021/acs.estlett.0c00150
- Sensitivity of surface temperature to radiative forcing by contrail cirrus in a radiative-mixing model U. Schumann & B. Mayer 10.5194/acp-17-13833-2017
- Estimating the Effective Radiative Forcing of Contrail Cirrus M. Bickel et al. 10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0467.1
- The contribution of global aviation to anthropogenic climate forcing for 2000 to 2018 D. Lee et al. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.117834
- A scalable system to measure contrail formation on a per-flight basis S. Geraedts et al. 10.1088/2515-7620/ad11ab
- Climate impact of aircraft-induced cirrus assessed from satellite observations before and during COVID-19 J. Quaas et al. 10.1088/1748-9326/abf686
- Beyond Contrail Avoidance: Efficacy of Flight Altitude Changes to Minimise Contrail Climate Forcing R. Teoh et al. 10.3390/aerospace7090121
- Understanding the role of contrails and contrail cirrus in climate change: a global perspective D. Singh et al. 10.5194/acp-24-9219-2024
- Towards Determining the Contrail Cirrus Efficacy M. Ponater et al. 10.3390/aerospace8020042
- Contrail Detection on GOES-16 ABI With the OpenContrails Dataset J. Ng et al. 10.1109/TGRS.2023.3345226
- Feasibility of contrail avoidance in a commercial flight planning system: an operational analysis A. Martin Frias et al. 10.1088/2634-4505/ad310c
- Mapping global flying aircraft activities using Landsat 8 and cloud computing F. Zhao et al. 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2021.12.003
- The high-resolution Global Aviation emissions Inventory based on ADS-B (GAIA) for 2019–2021 R. Teoh et al. 10.5194/acp-24-725-2024
- Random walk dispersion model for missile contrail particles in cross-airspace environments C. Li et al. 10.1016/j.dt.2025.02.015
- Simple Versus Complex Physical Representation of the Radiative Forcing From Linear Contrails: A Sensitivity Analysis R. Rodríguez De León et al. 10.1002/2017JD027861
- Linear Contrails Detection, Tracking and Matching with Aircraft Using Geostationary Satellite and Air Traffic Data R. Chevallier et al. 10.3390/aerospace10070578
- Synoptic Control of Contrail Cirrus Life Cycles and Their Modification Due to Reduced Soot Number Emissions A. Bier et al. 10.1002/2017JD027011
- Global aviation contrail climate effects from 2019 to 2021 R. Teoh et al. 10.5194/acp-24-6071-2024
- Detection flying aircraft from Landsat 8 OLI data F. Zhao et al. 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2018.05.001
- Contrail formation within cirrus: ICON-LEM simulations of the impact of cirrus cloud properties on contrail formation P. Verma & U. Burkhardt 10.5194/acp-22-8819-2022
- Reanalysis-driven simulations may overestimate persistent contrail formation by 100%–250% A. Agarwal et al. 10.1088/1748-9326/ac38d9
- Dehydration effects from contrails in a coupled contrail–climate model U. Schumann et al. 10.5194/acp-15-11179-2015
- The impact of fossil jet fuel emissions at altitude on climate change: A life cycle assessment study of a long-haul flight at different time horizons T. Gaillot et al. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2023.119983
- Cost and emissions pathways towards net-zero climate impacts in aviation L. Dray et al. 10.1038/s41558-022-01485-4
- Transforming Aviation’s Impact on the Climate: Rethinking the Research Strategy S. Kallbekken et al. 10.1021/acs.est.4c08470
- Reduced ice number concentrations in contrails from low-aromatic biofuel blends T. Bräuer et al. 10.5194/acp-21-16817-2021
- Forecasting contrail climate forcing for flight planning and air traffic management applications: the CocipGrid model in pycontrails 0.51.0 Z. Engberg et al. 10.5194/gmd-18-253-2025
- Quantifying aviation’s contribution to global warming M. Klöwer et al. 10.1088/1748-9326/ac286e
- Properties of young contrails – a parametrisation based on large-eddy simulations S. Unterstrasser 10.5194/acp-16-2059-2016
- Aviation contrail climate effects in the North Atlantic from 2016 to 2021 R. Teoh et al. 10.5194/acp-22-10919-2022
- Impact of Parametrizing Microphysical Processes in the Jet and Vortex Phase on Contrail Cirrus Properties and Radiative Forcing A. Bier & U. Burkhardt 10.1029/2022JD036677
- Simulated 2050 aviation radiative forcing from contrails and aerosols C. Chen & A. Gettelman 10.5194/acp-16-7317-2016
- Impact of host climate model on contrail cirrus effective radiative forcing estimates W. Zhang et al. 10.5194/acp-25-473-2025
- On the Life Cycle of Individual Contrails and Contrail Cirrus U. Schumann & A. Heymsfield 10.1175/AMSMONOGRAPHS-D-16-0005.1
- Modeling the present and future impact of aviation on climate: an AOGCM approach with online coupled chemistry P. Huszar et al. 10.5194/acp-13-10027-2013
- Persistent Contrails and Contrail Cirrus. Part I: Large-Eddy Simulations from Inception to Demise D. Lewellen et al. 10.1175/JAS-D-13-0316.1
- Impact of Aviation on Climate: FAA’s Aviation Climate Change Research Initiative (ACCRI) Phase II G. Brasseur et al. 10.1175/BAMS-D-13-00089.1
- Reassessing properties and radiative forcing of contrail cirrus using a climate model L. Bock & U. Burkhardt 10.1002/2016JD025112
41 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Impacts of multi-layer overlap on contrail radiative forcing I. Sanz-Morère et al. 10.5194/acp-21-1649-2021
- The climate impact of COVID-19-induced contrail changes A. Gettelman et al. 10.5194/acp-21-9405-2021
- Exploring the uncertainties in the aviation soot–cirrus effect M. Righi et al. 10.5194/acp-21-17267-2021
- Marginal climate and air quality costs of aviation emissions C. Grobler et al. 10.1088/1748-9326/ab4942
- Formation and radiative forcing of contrail cirrus B. Kärcher 10.1038/s41467-018-04068-0
- Uncertainties in mitigating aviation non-CO2 emissions for climate and air quality using hydrocarbon fuels D. Lee et al. 10.1039/D3EA00091E
- Ground-based contrail observations: comparisons with reanalysis weather data and contrail model simulations J. Low et al. 10.5194/amt-18-37-2025
- Reducing Uncertainty in Contrail Radiative Forcing Resulting from Uncertainty in Ice Crystal Properties I. Sanz-Morère et al. 10.1021/acs.estlett.0c00150
- Sensitivity of surface temperature to radiative forcing by contrail cirrus in a radiative-mixing model U. Schumann & B. Mayer 10.5194/acp-17-13833-2017
- Estimating the Effective Radiative Forcing of Contrail Cirrus M. Bickel et al. 10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0467.1
- The contribution of global aviation to anthropogenic climate forcing for 2000 to 2018 D. Lee et al. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.117834
- A scalable system to measure contrail formation on a per-flight basis S. Geraedts et al. 10.1088/2515-7620/ad11ab
- Climate impact of aircraft-induced cirrus assessed from satellite observations before and during COVID-19 J. Quaas et al. 10.1088/1748-9326/abf686
- Beyond Contrail Avoidance: Efficacy of Flight Altitude Changes to Minimise Contrail Climate Forcing R. Teoh et al. 10.3390/aerospace7090121
- Understanding the role of contrails and contrail cirrus in climate change: a global perspective D. Singh et al. 10.5194/acp-24-9219-2024
- Towards Determining the Contrail Cirrus Efficacy M. Ponater et al. 10.3390/aerospace8020042
- Contrail Detection on GOES-16 ABI With the OpenContrails Dataset J. Ng et al. 10.1109/TGRS.2023.3345226
- Feasibility of contrail avoidance in a commercial flight planning system: an operational analysis A. Martin Frias et al. 10.1088/2634-4505/ad310c
- Mapping global flying aircraft activities using Landsat 8 and cloud computing F. Zhao et al. 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2021.12.003
- The high-resolution Global Aviation emissions Inventory based on ADS-B (GAIA) for 2019–2021 R. Teoh et al. 10.5194/acp-24-725-2024
- Random walk dispersion model for missile contrail particles in cross-airspace environments C. Li et al. 10.1016/j.dt.2025.02.015
- Simple Versus Complex Physical Representation of the Radiative Forcing From Linear Contrails: A Sensitivity Analysis R. Rodríguez De León et al. 10.1002/2017JD027861
- Linear Contrails Detection, Tracking and Matching with Aircraft Using Geostationary Satellite and Air Traffic Data R. Chevallier et al. 10.3390/aerospace10070578
- Synoptic Control of Contrail Cirrus Life Cycles and Their Modification Due to Reduced Soot Number Emissions A. Bier et al. 10.1002/2017JD027011
- Global aviation contrail climate effects from 2019 to 2021 R. Teoh et al. 10.5194/acp-24-6071-2024
- Detection flying aircraft from Landsat 8 OLI data F. Zhao et al. 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2018.05.001
- Contrail formation within cirrus: ICON-LEM simulations of the impact of cirrus cloud properties on contrail formation P. Verma & U. Burkhardt 10.5194/acp-22-8819-2022
- Reanalysis-driven simulations may overestimate persistent contrail formation by 100%–250% A. Agarwal et al. 10.1088/1748-9326/ac38d9
- Dehydration effects from contrails in a coupled contrail–climate model U. Schumann et al. 10.5194/acp-15-11179-2015
- The impact of fossil jet fuel emissions at altitude on climate change: A life cycle assessment study of a long-haul flight at different time horizons T. Gaillot et al. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2023.119983
- Cost and emissions pathways towards net-zero climate impacts in aviation L. Dray et al. 10.1038/s41558-022-01485-4
- Transforming Aviation’s Impact on the Climate: Rethinking the Research Strategy S. Kallbekken et al. 10.1021/acs.est.4c08470
- Reduced ice number concentrations in contrails from low-aromatic biofuel blends T. Bräuer et al. 10.5194/acp-21-16817-2021
- Forecasting contrail climate forcing for flight planning and air traffic management applications: the CocipGrid model in pycontrails 0.51.0 Z. Engberg et al. 10.5194/gmd-18-253-2025
- Quantifying aviation’s contribution to global warming M. Klöwer et al. 10.1088/1748-9326/ac286e
- Properties of young contrails – a parametrisation based on large-eddy simulations S. Unterstrasser 10.5194/acp-16-2059-2016
- Aviation contrail climate effects in the North Atlantic from 2016 to 2021 R. Teoh et al. 10.5194/acp-22-10919-2022
- Impact of Parametrizing Microphysical Processes in the Jet and Vortex Phase on Contrail Cirrus Properties and Radiative Forcing A. Bier & U. Burkhardt 10.1029/2022JD036677
- Simulated 2050 aviation radiative forcing from contrails and aerosols C. Chen & A. Gettelman 10.5194/acp-16-7317-2016
- Impact of host climate model on contrail cirrus effective radiative forcing estimates W. Zhang et al. 10.5194/acp-25-473-2025
- On the Life Cycle of Individual Contrails and Contrail Cirrus U. Schumann & A. Heymsfield 10.1175/AMSMONOGRAPHS-D-16-0005.1
4 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Modeling the present and future impact of aviation on climate: an AOGCM approach with online coupled chemistry P. Huszar et al. 10.5194/acp-13-10027-2013
- Persistent Contrails and Contrail Cirrus. Part I: Large-Eddy Simulations from Inception to Demise D. Lewellen et al. 10.1175/JAS-D-13-0316.1
- Impact of Aviation on Climate: FAA’s Aviation Climate Change Research Initiative (ACCRI) Phase II G. Brasseur et al. 10.1175/BAMS-D-13-00089.1
- Reassessing properties and radiative forcing of contrail cirrus using a climate model L. Bock & U. Burkhardt 10.1002/2016JD025112
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