Articles | Volume 12, issue 1
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Odin-OSIRIS stratospheric aerosol data product and SAGE III intercomparison
A. E. Bourassa
Institute of Space and Atmospheric Studies, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
L. A. Rieger
Institute of Space and Atmospheric Studies, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
N. D. Lloyd
Institute of Space and Atmospheric Studies, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
D. A. Degenstein
Institute of Space and Atmospheric Studies, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
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48 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Effect of volcanic aerosol on stratospheric NO2 and N2O5 from 2002–2014 as measured by Odin-OSIRIS and Envisat-MIPAS C. Adams et al. 10.5194/acp-17-8063-2017
- Stratospheric aerosols from the Sarychev volcano eruption in the 2009 Arctic summer F. Jégou et al. 10.5194/acp-13-6533-2013
- A comparison of lognormal and gamma size distributions for characterizing the stratospheric aerosol phase function from optical particle counter measurements E. Nyaku et al. 10.5194/amt-13-1071-2020
- Satellite Limb Observations of Unprecedented Forest Fire Aerosol in the Stratosphere A. Bourassa et al. 10.1029/2019JD030607
- CALIPSO level 3 stratospheric aerosol profile product: version 1.00 algorithm description and initial assessment J. Kar et al. 10.5194/amt-12-6173-2019
- Lidar ratios of stratospheric volcanic ash and sulfate aerosols retrieved from CALIOP measurements A. Prata et al. 10.5194/acp-17-8599-2017
- Trend and variability in ozone in the tropical lower stratosphere over 2.5 solar cycles observed by SAGE II and OSIRIS C. Sioris et al. 10.5194/acp-14-3479-2014
- Spatial Heterodyne Observations of Water (SHOW) vapour in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere from a high altitude aircraft: Modelling and sensitivity analysis J. Langille et al. 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2018.01.026
- The Global Space-based Stratospheric Aerosol Climatology (version 2.0): 1979–2018 M. Kovilakam et al. 10.5194/essd-12-2607-2020
- Retrieval of stratospheric aerosol extinction coefficients from sun-normalized Ozone Mapper and Profiler Suite Limb Profiler (OMPS-LP) measurements A. Rozanov et al. 10.5194/amt-17-6677-2024
- The sensitivity to polarization in stratospheric aerosol retrievals from limb scattered sunlight measurements B. Elash et al. 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2016.11.014
- Large Volcanic Aerosol Load in the Stratosphere Linked to Asian Monsoon Transport A. Bourassa et al. 10.1126/science.1219371
- A Method for Retrieving Stratospheric Aerosol Extinction and Particle Size from Ground-Based Rayleigh-Mie-Raman Lidar Observations J. Zalach et al. 10.3390/atmos11080773
- Stratospheric aerosol extinction profiles from SCIAMACHY solar occultation S. Noël et al. 10.5194/amt-13-5643-2020
- OMPS-LP aerosol extinction coefficients and their applicability in GloSSAC M. Kovilakam et al. 10.5194/acp-25-535-2025
- The OMPS Limb Profiler Environmental Data Record Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document and Expected Performance D. Rault & R. Loughman 10.1109/TGRS.2012.2213093
- OSIRIS: A Decade of Scattered Light C. McLinden et al. 10.1175/BAMS-D-11-00135.1
- The spring 2011 final stratospheric warming above Eureka: anomalous dynamics and chemistry C. Adams et al. 10.5194/acp-13-611-2013
- Impact of a moderate volcanic eruption on chemistry in the lower stratosphere: balloon-borne observations and model calculations G. Berthet et al. 10.5194/acp-17-2229-2017
- Stratospheric Aerosols, Polar Stratospheric Clouds, and Polar Ozone Depletion After the Mount Calbuco Eruption in 2015 Y. Zhu et al. 10.1029/2018JD028974
- Aerosol particle size distribution in the stratosphere retrieved from SCIAMACHY limb measurements E. Malinina et al. 10.5194/amt-11-2085-2018
- Stratospheric aerosol particle size information in Odin-OSIRIS limb scatter spectra L. Rieger et al. 10.5194/amt-7-507-2014
- Aerosol and cloud top height information of Envisat MIPAS measurements S. Griessbach et al. 10.5194/amt-13-1243-2020
- Stratospheric aerosol radiative forcing simulated by the chemistry climate model EMAC using Aerosol CCI satellite data C. Brühl et al. 10.5194/acp-18-12845-2018
- Retrieval of subvisual cirrus cloud optical thickness from limb-scatter measurements J. Wiensz et al. 10.5194/amt-6-105-2013
- On the stratospheric chemistry of midlatitude wildfire smoke S. Solomon et al. 10.1073/pnas.2117325119
- Stratospheric aerosol characteristics from space-borne observations: extinction coefficient and Ångström exponent E. Malinina et al. 10.5194/amt-12-3485-2019
- Sulfate aerosol properties derived from combining coincident ACE-FTS and SAGE III/ISS measurements C. Boone et al. 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2023.108815
- A study of the approaches used to retrieve aerosol extinction, as applied to limb observations made by OSIRIS and SCIAMACHY L. Rieger et al. 10.5194/amt-11-3433-2018
- The Aerosol Limb Imager: acousto-optic imaging of limb-scattered sunlight for stratospheric aerosol profiling B. Elash et al. 10.5194/amt-9-1261-2016
- Tomographic retrievals of ozone with the OMPS Limb Profiler: algorithm description and preliminary results D. Zawada et al. 10.5194/amt-11-2375-2018
- Assessment of Odin-OSIRIS ozone measurements from 2001 to the present using MLS, GOMOS, and ozonesondes C. Adams et al. 10.5194/amt-7-49-2014
- Origins and Spatial Distribution of Non-Pure Sulfate Particles (NSPs) in the Stratosphere Detected by the Balloon-Borne Light Optical Aerosols Counter (LOAC) J. Renard et al. 10.3390/atmos11101031
- Reconstructing volcanic radiative forcing since 1990, using a comprehensive emission inventory and spatially resolved sulfur injections from satellite data in a chemistry-climate model J. Schallock et al. 10.5194/acp-23-1169-2023
- Stratospheric aerosol-Observations, processes, and impact on climate S. Kremser et al. 10.1002/2015RG000511
- Evaluation of the OMPS/LP stratospheric aerosol extinction product using SAGE III/ISS observations Z. Chen et al. 10.5194/amt-13-3471-2020
- CREST: a Climate Data Record of Stratospheric Aerosols V. Sofieva et al. 10.5194/essd-16-5227-2024
- Variability and evolution of the midlatitude stratospheric aerosol budget from 22 years of ground-based lidar and satellite observations S. Khaykin et al. 10.5194/acp-17-1829-2017
- Characterization of stratospheric particle size distribution uncertainties using SAGE II and SAGE III/ISS extinction spectra T. Knepp et al. 10.5194/amt-17-2025-2024
- The Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) Limb Profiler (LP) Version 1 aerosol extinction retrieval algorithm: theoretical basis R. Loughman et al. 10.5194/amt-11-2633-2018
- The outflow of Asian biomass burning carbonaceous aerosol into the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere in spring: radiative effects seen in a global model P. Chavan et al. 10.5194/acp-21-14371-2021
- Odin–OSIRIS detection of the Chelyabinsk meteor L. Rieger et al. 10.5194/amt-7-777-2014
- Improvement of stratospheric aerosol extinction retrieval from OMPS/LP using a new aerosol model Z. Chen et al. 10.5194/amt-11-6495-2018
- Quantifying Emissions of CO and NOx Using Observations From MOPITT, OMI, TES, and OSIRIS X. Zhang et al. 10.1029/2018JD028670
- A Multiwavelength Retrieval Approach for Improved OSIRIS Aerosol Extinction Retrievals L. Rieger et al. 10.1029/2018JD029897
- Overview: Estimating and reporting uncertainties in remotely sensed atmospheric composition and temperature T. von Clarmann et al. 10.5194/amt-13-4393-2020
- Stratospheric aerosol particle size distribution based on multi-color polarization measurements of the twilight sky O. Ugolnikov & I. Maslov 10.1016/j.jaerosci.2018.01.002
- Polarization Lidar at Summit, Greenland, for the Detection of Cloud Phase and Particle Orientation R. Neely et al. 10.1175/JTECH-D-12-00101.1
47 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Effect of volcanic aerosol on stratospheric NO2 and N2O5 from 2002–2014 as measured by Odin-OSIRIS and Envisat-MIPAS C. Adams et al. 10.5194/acp-17-8063-2017
- Stratospheric aerosols from the Sarychev volcano eruption in the 2009 Arctic summer F. Jégou et al. 10.5194/acp-13-6533-2013
- A comparison of lognormal and gamma size distributions for characterizing the stratospheric aerosol phase function from optical particle counter measurements E. Nyaku et al. 10.5194/amt-13-1071-2020
- Satellite Limb Observations of Unprecedented Forest Fire Aerosol in the Stratosphere A. Bourassa et al. 10.1029/2019JD030607
- CALIPSO level 3 stratospheric aerosol profile product: version 1.00 algorithm description and initial assessment J. Kar et al. 10.5194/amt-12-6173-2019
- Lidar ratios of stratospheric volcanic ash and sulfate aerosols retrieved from CALIOP measurements A. Prata et al. 10.5194/acp-17-8599-2017
- Trend and variability in ozone in the tropical lower stratosphere over 2.5 solar cycles observed by SAGE II and OSIRIS C. Sioris et al. 10.5194/acp-14-3479-2014
- Spatial Heterodyne Observations of Water (SHOW) vapour in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere from a high altitude aircraft: Modelling and sensitivity analysis J. Langille et al. 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2018.01.026
- The Global Space-based Stratospheric Aerosol Climatology (version 2.0): 1979–2018 M. Kovilakam et al. 10.5194/essd-12-2607-2020
- Retrieval of stratospheric aerosol extinction coefficients from sun-normalized Ozone Mapper and Profiler Suite Limb Profiler (OMPS-LP) measurements A. Rozanov et al. 10.5194/amt-17-6677-2024
- The sensitivity to polarization in stratospheric aerosol retrievals from limb scattered sunlight measurements B. Elash et al. 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2016.11.014
- Large Volcanic Aerosol Load in the Stratosphere Linked to Asian Monsoon Transport A. Bourassa et al. 10.1126/science.1219371
- A Method for Retrieving Stratospheric Aerosol Extinction and Particle Size from Ground-Based Rayleigh-Mie-Raman Lidar Observations J. Zalach et al. 10.3390/atmos11080773
- Stratospheric aerosol extinction profiles from SCIAMACHY solar occultation S. Noël et al. 10.5194/amt-13-5643-2020
- OMPS-LP aerosol extinction coefficients and their applicability in GloSSAC M. Kovilakam et al. 10.5194/acp-25-535-2025
- The OMPS Limb Profiler Environmental Data Record Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document and Expected Performance D. Rault & R. Loughman 10.1109/TGRS.2012.2213093
- OSIRIS: A Decade of Scattered Light C. McLinden et al. 10.1175/BAMS-D-11-00135.1
- The spring 2011 final stratospheric warming above Eureka: anomalous dynamics and chemistry C. Adams et al. 10.5194/acp-13-611-2013
- Impact of a moderate volcanic eruption on chemistry in the lower stratosphere: balloon-borne observations and model calculations G. Berthet et al. 10.5194/acp-17-2229-2017
- Stratospheric Aerosols, Polar Stratospheric Clouds, and Polar Ozone Depletion After the Mount Calbuco Eruption in 2015 Y. Zhu et al. 10.1029/2018JD028974
- Aerosol particle size distribution in the stratosphere retrieved from SCIAMACHY limb measurements E. Malinina et al. 10.5194/amt-11-2085-2018
- Stratospheric aerosol particle size information in Odin-OSIRIS limb scatter spectra L. Rieger et al. 10.5194/amt-7-507-2014
- Aerosol and cloud top height information of Envisat MIPAS measurements S. Griessbach et al. 10.5194/amt-13-1243-2020
- Stratospheric aerosol radiative forcing simulated by the chemistry climate model EMAC using Aerosol CCI satellite data C. Brühl et al. 10.5194/acp-18-12845-2018
- Retrieval of subvisual cirrus cloud optical thickness from limb-scatter measurements J. Wiensz et al. 10.5194/amt-6-105-2013
- On the stratospheric chemistry of midlatitude wildfire smoke S. Solomon et al. 10.1073/pnas.2117325119
- Stratospheric aerosol characteristics from space-borne observations: extinction coefficient and Ångström exponent E. Malinina et al. 10.5194/amt-12-3485-2019
- Sulfate aerosol properties derived from combining coincident ACE-FTS and SAGE III/ISS measurements C. Boone et al. 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2023.108815
- A study of the approaches used to retrieve aerosol extinction, as applied to limb observations made by OSIRIS and SCIAMACHY L. Rieger et al. 10.5194/amt-11-3433-2018
- The Aerosol Limb Imager: acousto-optic imaging of limb-scattered sunlight for stratospheric aerosol profiling B. Elash et al. 10.5194/amt-9-1261-2016
- Tomographic retrievals of ozone with the OMPS Limb Profiler: algorithm description and preliminary results D. Zawada et al. 10.5194/amt-11-2375-2018
- Assessment of Odin-OSIRIS ozone measurements from 2001 to the present using MLS, GOMOS, and ozonesondes C. Adams et al. 10.5194/amt-7-49-2014
- Origins and Spatial Distribution of Non-Pure Sulfate Particles (NSPs) in the Stratosphere Detected by the Balloon-Borne Light Optical Aerosols Counter (LOAC) J. Renard et al. 10.3390/atmos11101031
- Reconstructing volcanic radiative forcing since 1990, using a comprehensive emission inventory and spatially resolved sulfur injections from satellite data in a chemistry-climate model J. Schallock et al. 10.5194/acp-23-1169-2023
- Stratospheric aerosol-Observations, processes, and impact on climate S. Kremser et al. 10.1002/2015RG000511
- Evaluation of the OMPS/LP stratospheric aerosol extinction product using SAGE III/ISS observations Z. Chen et al. 10.5194/amt-13-3471-2020
- CREST: a Climate Data Record of Stratospheric Aerosols V. Sofieva et al. 10.5194/essd-16-5227-2024
- Variability and evolution of the midlatitude stratospheric aerosol budget from 22 years of ground-based lidar and satellite observations S. Khaykin et al. 10.5194/acp-17-1829-2017
- Characterization of stratospheric particle size distribution uncertainties using SAGE II and SAGE III/ISS extinction spectra T. Knepp et al. 10.5194/amt-17-2025-2024
- The Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) Limb Profiler (LP) Version 1 aerosol extinction retrieval algorithm: theoretical basis R. Loughman et al. 10.5194/amt-11-2633-2018
- The outflow of Asian biomass burning carbonaceous aerosol into the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere in spring: radiative effects seen in a global model P. Chavan et al. 10.5194/acp-21-14371-2021
- Odin–OSIRIS detection of the Chelyabinsk meteor L. Rieger et al. 10.5194/amt-7-777-2014
- Improvement of stratospheric aerosol extinction retrieval from OMPS/LP using a new aerosol model Z. Chen et al. 10.5194/amt-11-6495-2018
- Quantifying Emissions of CO and NOx Using Observations From MOPITT, OMI, TES, and OSIRIS X. Zhang et al. 10.1029/2018JD028670
- A Multiwavelength Retrieval Approach for Improved OSIRIS Aerosol Extinction Retrievals L. Rieger et al. 10.1029/2018JD029897
- Overview: Estimating and reporting uncertainties in remotely sensed atmospheric composition and temperature T. von Clarmann et al. 10.5194/amt-13-4393-2020
- Stratospheric aerosol particle size distribution based on multi-color polarization measurements of the twilight sky O. Ugolnikov & I. Maslov 10.1016/j.jaerosci.2018.01.002
1 citations as recorded by crossref.
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