Articles | Volume 11, issue 18
© Author(s) 2011. This work is distributed under
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© Author(s) 2011. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Cloud optical thickness and liquid water path – does the k coefficient vary with droplet concentration?
J.-L. Brenguier
CNRM/GAME, Météo-France/CNRS, URA1357, Toulouse, France
F. Burnet
CNRM/GAME, Météo-France/CNRS, URA1357, Toulouse, France
O. Geoffroy
Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), De Bilt, The Netherlands
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57 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Influences of Cloud Microphysics on the Components of Solar Irradiance in the WRF-Solar Model X. Zhou et al. 10.3390/atmos15010039
- Raindrop Size Distribution Characteristics of Summer and Winter Season Rainfall Over North Taiwan B. Seela et al. 10.1029/2018JD028307
- Activation of atmospheric aerosols in fog and low clouds N. Zíková et al. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.117490
- The Aerosols, Radiation and Clouds in Southern Africa Field Campaign in Namibia: Overview, Illustrative Observations, and Way Forward P. Formenti et al. 10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0278.1
- Impact of stochastic collisions on cloud droplet number concentration and relative dispersion during Meiyu frontal system J. Sun et al. 10.1016/j.atmosres.2024.107863
- The impact of cloud vertical profile on liquid water path retrieval based on the bispectral method: A theoretical study based on large‐eddy simulations of shallow marine boundary layer clouds D. Miller et al. 10.1002/2015JD024322
- Marine Boundary Layer Clouds Associated with Coastally Trapped Disturbances: Observations and Model Simulations T. Juliano et al. 10.1175/JAS-D-18-0317.1
- In situ and satellite-based estimates of cloud properties and aerosol–cloud interactions over the southeast Atlantic Ocean S. Gupta et al. 10.5194/acp-22-12923-2022
- Uncertainty of SW Cloud Radiative Effect in Atmospheric Models Due to the Parameterization of Liquid Cloud Optical Properties E. Jahangir et al. 10.1029/2021MS002742
- Evaluation of downward and upward solar irradiances simulated by the Integrated Forecasting System of ECMWF using airborne observations above Arctic low-level clouds H. Müller et al. 10.5194/acp-24-4157-2024
- Differences in liquid cloud droplet effective radius and number concentration estimates between MODIS collections 5.1 and 6 over global oceans J. Rausch et al. 10.5194/amt-10-2105-2017
- Experimental study of the aerosol impact on fog microphysics M. Mazoyer et al. 10.5194/acp-19-4323-2019
- Simultaneous observation of a glory and in-situ microphysical cloud properties M. Konwar et al. 10.1364/AO.56.0000G5
- Evaluation of four ground-based retrievals of cloud droplet number concentration in marine stratocumulus with aircraft in situ measurements D. Zhang et al. 10.5194/amt-16-5827-2023
- On the Relation among Satellite Observed Liquid Water Path, Cloud Droplet Number Concentration and Cloud Base Rain Rate and Its Implication to the Auto-Conversion Parameterization in Stratocumulus Clouds Y. Murakami et al. 10.1175/JCLI-D-20-0473.1
- Impact of Holuhraun volcano aerosols on clouds in cloud-system-resolving simulations M. Haghighatnasab et al. 10.5194/acp-22-8457-2022
- Cloud Shading Effects on Characteristic Boundary-Layer Length Scales G. Horn et al. 10.1007/s10546-015-0054-4
- Quantifying the dependence of drop spectrum width on cloud drop number concentration for cloud remote sensing M. Lebsock & M. Witte 10.5194/acp-23-14293-2023
- Variability of monsoon intracloud and intercloud microphysics over the Indian subcontinent S. Morwal et al. 10.1002/2015JD023533
- Analytical studies of the cloud droplet spectral dispersion influence on the first indirect aerosol effect X. Xie & X. Liu 10.1007/s00376-012-2141-5
- Adiabatic Evolution of Cloud Droplet Spectral Width: A New Look at an Old Problem W. Grabowski & H. Pawlowska 10.1029/2022GL101917
- Aerosol–cloud closure study on cloud optical properties using remotely piloted aircraft measurements during a BACCHUS field campaign in Cyprus R. Calmer et al. 10.5194/acp-19-13989-2019
- Evaluation of long‐term surface‐retrieved cloud droplet number concentration with in situ aircraft observations K. Lim et al. 10.1002/2015JD024082
- Measured Constraints on Cloud Top Entrainment to Reduce Uncertainty of Nonprecipitating Stratocumulus Shortwave Radiative Forcing in the Southern Ocean K. Sanchez et al. 10.1029/2020GL090513
- Significant changes in cloud radiative effects over Southwestern United States during the COVID-19 flight reduction period J. Wang et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.168656
- Cloud droplet size distribution broadening during diffusional growth: ripening amplified by deactivation and reactivation F. Yang et al. 10.5194/acp-18-7313-2018
- The First Characterization of Fog Microphysics in the United Arab Emirates, an Arid Region on the Arabian Peninsula M. Weston et al. 10.1029/2021EA002032
- Airborne investigation of the aerosols–cloud interactions in the vicinity and within a marine stratocumulus over the North Sea during EUCAARI (2008) S. Crumeyrolle et al. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.08.035
- Analytical Investigation of the Role of Lateral Mixing in the Evolution of Nonprecipitating Cumulus. Part I: Developing Clouds M. Pinsky & A. Khain 10.1175/JAS-D-19-0036.1
- Overcoming computational challenges to realize meter- to submeter-scale resolution in cloud simulations using the super-droplet method T. Matsushima et al. 10.5194/gmd-16-6211-2023
- Global and regional estimates of warm cloud droplet number concentration based on 13 years of AQUA-MODIS observations R. Bennartz & J. Rausch 10.5194/acp-17-9815-2017
- Investigation of the adiabatic assumption for estimating cloud micro- and macrophysical properties from satellite and ground observations D. Merk et al. 10.5194/acp-16-933-2016
- Remote Sensing of Droplet Number Concentration in Warm Clouds: A Review of the Current State of Knowledge and Perspectives D. Grosvenor et al. 10.1029/2017RG000593
- Evaluation of liquid cloud albedo susceptibility in E3SM using coupled eastern North Atlantic surface and satellite retrievals A. Varble et al. 10.5194/acp-23-13523-2023
- Evaluation of the spectral misalignment on the Earth Clouds, Aerosols and Radiation Explorer/multi-spectral imager cloud product M. Wang et al. 10.5194/amt-16-603-2023
- Tethered balloon-borne observations of thermal-infrared irradiance and cooling rate profiles in the Arctic atmospheric boundary layer M. Lonardi et al. 10.5194/acp-24-1961-2024
- Automated Mapping of Convective Clouds (AMCC) Thermodynamical, Microphysical, and CCN Properties from SNPP/VIIRS Satellite Data Z. Yue et al. 10.1175/JAMC-D-18-0144.1
- Assessment of MODIS cloud effective radius and optical thickness retrievals over the Southeast Pacific with VOCALS-REx in situ measurements D. Painemal & P. Zuidema 10.1029/2011JD016155
- JOYCE: Jülich Observatory for Cloud Evolution U. Löhnert et al. 10.1175/BAMS-D-14-00105.1
- Determination of effective droplet radius and optical depth of liquid water clouds over a tropical site in northern Thailand using passive microwave soundings, aircraft measurements and spectral irradiance data P. Nimnuan et al. 10.1016/j.jastp.2017.06.002
- Vertical Distributions of Aerosol and Cloud Microphysical Properties and the Aerosol Impact on a Continental Cumulus Cloud Based on Aircraft Measurements From the Loess Plateau of China Z. Cai et al. 10.3389/fenvs.2021.808861
- Aerosol–climate interactions in the Norwegian Earth System Model – NorESM1-M A. Kirkevåg et al. 10.5194/gmd-6-207-2013
- Distinctive aerosol–cloud–precipitation interactions in marine boundary layer clouds from the ACE-ENA and SOCRATES aircraft field campaigns X. Zheng et al. 10.5194/acp-24-10323-2024
- Consistent Assessment of Microwave Scattering and Vertical Dynamic Characteristics in the Precipitation Environment Over Oceans Y. Feng et al. 10.1109/JSTARS.2024.3422649
- Understanding Aerosol–Cloud Interactions through Lidar Techniques: A Review F. Cairo et al. 10.3390/rs16152788
- Large-Eddy Simulations of Trade Wind Cumuli Using Particle-Based Microphysics with Monte Carlo Coalescence S. Arabas & S. Shima 10.1175/JAS-D-12-0295.1
- Twomey effect observed from collocated microphysical and remote sensing measurements over shallow cumulus F. Werner et al. 10.1002/2013JD020131
- Quantitative evaluation of seven optical sensors for cloud microphysical measurements at the Puy-de-Dôme Observatory, France G. Guyot et al. 10.5194/amt-8-4347-2015
- On the parameterization of cloud droplet effective radius using CAIPEEX aircraft observations for warm clouds in India S. Nair et al. 10.1016/j.atmosres.2012.02.002
- Evaluating the Impacts of Cloud Processing on Resuspended Aerosol Particles After Cloud Evaporation Using a Particle‐Resolved Model Y. Yao et al. 10.1029/2021JD034992
- Microphysical Properties of Convective Clouds in Summer over the Tibetan Plateau from SNPP/VIIRS Satellite Data Z. Yue et al. 10.1007/s13351-019-8608-x
- Ground-based remote sensing scheme for monitoring aerosol–cloud interactions K. Sarna & H. Russchenberg 10.5194/amt-9-1039-2016
- A comparative study of the response of modeled non-drizzling stratocumulus to meteorological and aerosol perturbations J. Petters et al. 10.5194/acp-13-2507-2013
- Parameterizing cloud top effective radii from satellite retrieved values, accounting for vertical photon transport: quantification and correction of the resulting bias in droplet concentration and liquid water path retrievals D. Grosvenor et al. 10.5194/amt-11-4273-2018
- An airborne study of the aerosol effect on the dispersion of cloud droplets in a drizzling marine stratocumulus cloud over eastern China F. Wang et al. 10.1016/j.atmosres.2021.105885
- A Method for Consistent Estimation of Multiple Land Surface Parameters From MODIS Top-of-Atmosphere Time Series Data H. Shi et al. 10.1109/TGRS.2017.2702609
- Daytime variation in the aerosol indirect effect for warm marine boundary layer clouds in the eastern North Atlantic S. Qiu et al. 10.5194/acp-24-2913-2024
57 citations as recorded by crossref.
- Influences of Cloud Microphysics on the Components of Solar Irradiance in the WRF-Solar Model X. Zhou et al. 10.3390/atmos15010039
- Raindrop Size Distribution Characteristics of Summer and Winter Season Rainfall Over North Taiwan B. Seela et al. 10.1029/2018JD028307
- Activation of atmospheric aerosols in fog and low clouds N. Zíková et al. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.117490
- The Aerosols, Radiation and Clouds in Southern Africa Field Campaign in Namibia: Overview, Illustrative Observations, and Way Forward P. Formenti et al. 10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0278.1
- Impact of stochastic collisions on cloud droplet number concentration and relative dispersion during Meiyu frontal system J. Sun et al. 10.1016/j.atmosres.2024.107863
- The impact of cloud vertical profile on liquid water path retrieval based on the bispectral method: A theoretical study based on large‐eddy simulations of shallow marine boundary layer clouds D. Miller et al. 10.1002/2015JD024322
- Marine Boundary Layer Clouds Associated with Coastally Trapped Disturbances: Observations and Model Simulations T. Juliano et al. 10.1175/JAS-D-18-0317.1
- In situ and satellite-based estimates of cloud properties and aerosol–cloud interactions over the southeast Atlantic Ocean S. Gupta et al. 10.5194/acp-22-12923-2022
- Uncertainty of SW Cloud Radiative Effect in Atmospheric Models Due to the Parameterization of Liquid Cloud Optical Properties E. Jahangir et al. 10.1029/2021MS002742
- Evaluation of downward and upward solar irradiances simulated by the Integrated Forecasting System of ECMWF using airborne observations above Arctic low-level clouds H. Müller et al. 10.5194/acp-24-4157-2024
- Differences in liquid cloud droplet effective radius and number concentration estimates between MODIS collections 5.1 and 6 over global oceans J. Rausch et al. 10.5194/amt-10-2105-2017
- Experimental study of the aerosol impact on fog microphysics M. Mazoyer et al. 10.5194/acp-19-4323-2019
- Simultaneous observation of a glory and in-situ microphysical cloud properties M. Konwar et al. 10.1364/AO.56.0000G5
- Evaluation of four ground-based retrievals of cloud droplet number concentration in marine stratocumulus with aircraft in situ measurements D. Zhang et al. 10.5194/amt-16-5827-2023
- On the Relation among Satellite Observed Liquid Water Path, Cloud Droplet Number Concentration and Cloud Base Rain Rate and Its Implication to the Auto-Conversion Parameterization in Stratocumulus Clouds Y. Murakami et al. 10.1175/JCLI-D-20-0473.1
- Impact of Holuhraun volcano aerosols on clouds in cloud-system-resolving simulations M. Haghighatnasab et al. 10.5194/acp-22-8457-2022
- Cloud Shading Effects on Characteristic Boundary-Layer Length Scales G. Horn et al. 10.1007/s10546-015-0054-4
- Quantifying the dependence of drop spectrum width on cloud drop number concentration for cloud remote sensing M. Lebsock & M. Witte 10.5194/acp-23-14293-2023
- Variability of monsoon intracloud and intercloud microphysics over the Indian subcontinent S. Morwal et al. 10.1002/2015JD023533
- Analytical studies of the cloud droplet spectral dispersion influence on the first indirect aerosol effect X. Xie & X. Liu 10.1007/s00376-012-2141-5
- Adiabatic Evolution of Cloud Droplet Spectral Width: A New Look at an Old Problem W. Grabowski & H. Pawlowska 10.1029/2022GL101917
- Aerosol–cloud closure study on cloud optical properties using remotely piloted aircraft measurements during a BACCHUS field campaign in Cyprus R. Calmer et al. 10.5194/acp-19-13989-2019
- Evaluation of long‐term surface‐retrieved cloud droplet number concentration with in situ aircraft observations K. Lim et al. 10.1002/2015JD024082
- Measured Constraints on Cloud Top Entrainment to Reduce Uncertainty of Nonprecipitating Stratocumulus Shortwave Radiative Forcing in the Southern Ocean K. Sanchez et al. 10.1029/2020GL090513
- Significant changes in cloud radiative effects over Southwestern United States during the COVID-19 flight reduction period J. Wang et al. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.168656
- Cloud droplet size distribution broadening during diffusional growth: ripening amplified by deactivation and reactivation F. Yang et al. 10.5194/acp-18-7313-2018
- The First Characterization of Fog Microphysics in the United Arab Emirates, an Arid Region on the Arabian Peninsula M. Weston et al. 10.1029/2021EA002032
- Airborne investigation of the aerosols–cloud interactions in the vicinity and within a marine stratocumulus over the North Sea during EUCAARI (2008) S. Crumeyrolle et al. 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.08.035
- Analytical Investigation of the Role of Lateral Mixing in the Evolution of Nonprecipitating Cumulus. Part I: Developing Clouds M. Pinsky & A. Khain 10.1175/JAS-D-19-0036.1
- Overcoming computational challenges to realize meter- to submeter-scale resolution in cloud simulations using the super-droplet method T. Matsushima et al. 10.5194/gmd-16-6211-2023
- Global and regional estimates of warm cloud droplet number concentration based on 13 years of AQUA-MODIS observations R. Bennartz & J. Rausch 10.5194/acp-17-9815-2017
- Investigation of the adiabatic assumption for estimating cloud micro- and macrophysical properties from satellite and ground observations D. Merk et al. 10.5194/acp-16-933-2016
- Remote Sensing of Droplet Number Concentration in Warm Clouds: A Review of the Current State of Knowledge and Perspectives D. Grosvenor et al. 10.1029/2017RG000593
- Evaluation of liquid cloud albedo susceptibility in E3SM using coupled eastern North Atlantic surface and satellite retrievals A. Varble et al. 10.5194/acp-23-13523-2023
- Evaluation of the spectral misalignment on the Earth Clouds, Aerosols and Radiation Explorer/multi-spectral imager cloud product M. Wang et al. 10.5194/amt-16-603-2023
- Tethered balloon-borne observations of thermal-infrared irradiance and cooling rate profiles in the Arctic atmospheric boundary layer M. Lonardi et al. 10.5194/acp-24-1961-2024
- Automated Mapping of Convective Clouds (AMCC) Thermodynamical, Microphysical, and CCN Properties from SNPP/VIIRS Satellite Data Z. Yue et al. 10.1175/JAMC-D-18-0144.1
- Assessment of MODIS cloud effective radius and optical thickness retrievals over the Southeast Pacific with VOCALS-REx in situ measurements D. Painemal & P. Zuidema 10.1029/2011JD016155
- JOYCE: Jülich Observatory for Cloud Evolution U. Löhnert et al. 10.1175/BAMS-D-14-00105.1
- Determination of effective droplet radius and optical depth of liquid water clouds over a tropical site in northern Thailand using passive microwave soundings, aircraft measurements and spectral irradiance data P. Nimnuan et al. 10.1016/j.jastp.2017.06.002
- Vertical Distributions of Aerosol and Cloud Microphysical Properties and the Aerosol Impact on a Continental Cumulus Cloud Based on Aircraft Measurements From the Loess Plateau of China Z. Cai et al. 10.3389/fenvs.2021.808861
- Aerosol–climate interactions in the Norwegian Earth System Model – NorESM1-M A. Kirkevåg et al. 10.5194/gmd-6-207-2013
- Distinctive aerosol–cloud–precipitation interactions in marine boundary layer clouds from the ACE-ENA and SOCRATES aircraft field campaigns X. Zheng et al. 10.5194/acp-24-10323-2024
- Consistent Assessment of Microwave Scattering and Vertical Dynamic Characteristics in the Precipitation Environment Over Oceans Y. Feng et al. 10.1109/JSTARS.2024.3422649
- Understanding Aerosol–Cloud Interactions through Lidar Techniques: A Review F. Cairo et al. 10.3390/rs16152788
- Large-Eddy Simulations of Trade Wind Cumuli Using Particle-Based Microphysics with Monte Carlo Coalescence S. Arabas & S. Shima 10.1175/JAS-D-12-0295.1
- Twomey effect observed from collocated microphysical and remote sensing measurements over shallow cumulus F. Werner et al. 10.1002/2013JD020131
- Quantitative evaluation of seven optical sensors for cloud microphysical measurements at the Puy-de-Dôme Observatory, France G. Guyot et al. 10.5194/amt-8-4347-2015
- On the parameterization of cloud droplet effective radius using CAIPEEX aircraft observations for warm clouds in India S. Nair et al. 10.1016/j.atmosres.2012.02.002
- Evaluating the Impacts of Cloud Processing on Resuspended Aerosol Particles After Cloud Evaporation Using a Particle‐Resolved Model Y. Yao et al. 10.1029/2021JD034992
- Microphysical Properties of Convective Clouds in Summer over the Tibetan Plateau from SNPP/VIIRS Satellite Data Z. Yue et al. 10.1007/s13351-019-8608-x
- Ground-based remote sensing scheme for monitoring aerosol–cloud interactions K. Sarna & H. Russchenberg 10.5194/amt-9-1039-2016
- A comparative study of the response of modeled non-drizzling stratocumulus to meteorological and aerosol perturbations J. Petters et al. 10.5194/acp-13-2507-2013
- Parameterizing cloud top effective radii from satellite retrieved values, accounting for vertical photon transport: quantification and correction of the resulting bias in droplet concentration and liquid water path retrievals D. Grosvenor et al. 10.5194/amt-11-4273-2018
- An airborne study of the aerosol effect on the dispersion of cloud droplets in a drizzling marine stratocumulus cloud over eastern China F. Wang et al. 10.1016/j.atmosres.2021.105885
- A Method for Consistent Estimation of Multiple Land Surface Parameters From MODIS Top-of-Atmosphere Time Series Data H. Shi et al. 10.1109/TGRS.2017.2702609
- Daytime variation in the aerosol indirect effect for warm marine boundary layer clouds in the eastern North Atlantic S. Qiu et al. 10.5194/acp-24-2913-2024
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